How Energetic Shifts of Eclipses Affect Your Health

Eclipses happen when the axis of the earth and moon line up, where if the moon is between the sun and the earth it’s a solar eclipse (on a new moon), and if the earth is between the two, it’s a lunar eclipse (on a full moon). Records of events during eclipses date back to (at least) 3340 BC, and many of these tend to be significant when it comes to endings (i.e. war), or perhaps even a pause and reflect.

Like the word itself, eclipses ‘eclipse’ out of our life with more of a kick, rather than a gentle nudge. Whether it’s people, habits that aren’t contributing to your growth, or situations that you’ve been on the fence about for awhile.

These don’t happen very frequently (there’s about 24 new/full moons total per year) as the Earth and the Moon rotate on different types of axis, so the average line up is about 2-4 a year. 

However, last year we had 6, this year we have 4 (2018 & 2019 had 5)… so if you feel there are changes going in your life and/or around you, it’s not just you. It’s the whole collective.. aka go find your people (your soul tribe). Even perhaps some different beliefs/habits that may serve you moving forward, but give it a little time… eclipse energy lasts for about 7 days before & after the actual date.

Here are some ways you can utilize this energy when it comes to your health:

  • What part of your health routine has you bored, fed up, or just not happy? Consider who told you it had to be a certain way, if it was part of a belief system, or perhaps it’s a way of holding onto what worked before out of fear and/or apprehension of seeing what’s new

  • On another note, do you even have a health routine? What about a morning or evening routine that helps ground and remind you about all the wonderful things life has to offer?

  • Talk to yourself. A lot of this is our intuition, our higher knowing, that ‘inner voice.’ This is a really good time to just be still and consider what foods, supplements, exercises, mindset, etc. fit- and what doesn’t.

So we are asked to trust, to lead with our heart, & reflect. Lastly, when eclipses happen in a certain sign, you may feel it a little more if in your natal chart there’s a planet with this sign (best to know the time/date/location you were born), or even if it’s your sun sign, think of it as the core of who you are that’s shifting (as you choose though, because this is where free will takes place).

Eclipse season also happens every 6 months, so it’s also a good time to reflect on what was going on about 6 months ago. If you’d like further guidance on how to navigate these energies, adjust your routine, I would love to chat and see how I may best be of help regardless of what concerns/thoughts you may have. Let’s find some time here!