Heal According to Nature's Elements

Mark Twain said “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” The first one not only happened, but you have some sort of blueprint to go with it (i.e. astrology natal chart, fate, etc.), yet in search of the second, who/ what are you nourishing in the meantime? 

When we make our growth a priority regardless of the ‘label’ (i.e. entrepreneur, caretaker, employee), we may have an idea of where we’re going yet can’t always anticipate events along the way. This can leave us feeling like there’s a void, unknown, and it’s not necessarily comfortable- or comforting! 

So, in the meantime, things that are constant, what you can trust, will be quite relieving at this time. Enter: Nature. It’s always been here, will continue to be here, and provides you what you need including clarity for your next steps (plus it can relieve stress, improve sleep, reduce blood pressure.. You get the picture).

Here are some of my favorite ways/ideas!   

  1. Get earthy- The bones in our body are made of minerals, the same ones that are found in the earth, that create a sturdy foundation. Walk barefoot in the dirt (promotes negative ions, in a world with positive charge) daily, and even lean up against a tree to feel its sturdiness & support.

  2. Feel it out- From the fluids in our body like blood & lymph to the water itself, over 70% of the human body is made of water. Water ensures the foundation can grow, as think of watering plants in the earth. Incorporate this element by drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water, showering after a long day to release energies, or even sit by the water.

  3. Use your lungs- Plants provide oxygen for us to breathe, we provide them carbon dioxide. It’s our breath that keeps us alive, while the element of air is also representative of voice, self-expression. Who haven’t you spoken to in awhile? When was the last time you journaled? As you go outside and take at least 5-10 consecutive deep belly breaths, how can you also listen in?

  4. Stoke your inner fire- As fire helps keep us warm, our fire within helps keep us comfortable and the ‘juice’ to keep going. What lights you up? Rather, how can you shift your mindset so more things light you up than not, and if nothing works, can you let it go? This is your vitality, your libido, what keeps you going even in times of the unknown. 

  5. Who are you? Ah yes, the age old question. This is your soul, your spirit, your essence, just like every living creature has its own energy, including the planet as a whole. What are ways you can continue to explore making your life more meaningful, not just to you, but to others and even the planet?

And if you’d like to learn about more specific ways in returning to nature during your healing journey, let’s find some time here to chat!