Cleanse away your stress!

Are you a busy professional who is overworked, overstressed, just doesn't 'feel good', and needs a damn break/time to themselves? You can find zen in these next 2 weeks with better sleep, weight reduction, feeling more satisfied at work, and mental clarity.

Feel like you've gained a few pounds this past winter, and totally stressed/anxious about if it will ever come off? We carry stress in our belly, so decreasing stress & working on our emotions can help be the missing piece to weight loss efforts.

And for the insomniac who is 'tired but wired', or needs 10 cups of coffee (or a few red bulls) to function. Imagine restful sleep, improved & leveled energy, and therefore perhaps better sleep. 

You'll receive:
*Intro booklet about removing allergens, caffeine + FAQ
*Recipes for smoothies & Meals
*Allergen friendly protein powder + supplements
*Two 15 minute phone calls, before and after the cleanse (can email with questions in between as needed)
*Guide to re-introducing said allergens
*Daily informative & support emails

Ready to feel more mellowed out? And for only $297? Click HERE to get started! 

Questions? Thoughts? Dr. Serena would love to hear from you! Please email her at for more info! 


I look forward to working with you! 

Serena Goldstein